
TZMCTimeTrialConfig = {}

TZMCTimeTrialConfig.RecentlyCompletedCooldown = 900
TZMCTimeTrialConfig.UsingSQL = true -- If you're using oxmysql, you can send the results of the time trials to your db. If this is disabled, this will be stored as a JSON file to use from.


    A random location will be selected on script start, the locations below are just from GTAO. 
    Feel free to create your own, you can do this by doing the following:

    TimeTrialID = {                                 -- This is used to save the results for each time trial
        Name = "Time Trial",                        -- The pretty name of this time trial
        ParTime = 120,                              -- How many seconds to complete the time trial under PAR
        StartLocation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),     -- The start location of the time trial
        EndLocation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)        -- The end location of the time trial

TZMCTimeTrialConfig.Locations = {
    StormDrain ={
        Name = "Storm Drain",
        ParTime = 38,
        StartLocation = vector3(643.76, -1843.36, 8.57),
        EndLocation = vector3(1049.0, -264.48, 50.8)

-- BLIP --
TZMCTimeTrialConfig.Blip = {
    TimeTrialStart = {
        enabled = true,
        text = "Time Trial"
    TimeTrialEnd = {
        text = "Destination"


TZMCTimeTrialConfig.CountdownBarText = {
    failTime = "FAIL TIME",         -- This is when the player exits the vehicle
    parTime = "PAR TIME",           -- The par time that the player needs to get
    currentTime = "CURRENT TIME"    -- The current time of the player



    ${locationName} =           The time trial location name
    ${parTime} =                The time trial PAR time
    ${fastestPlayerName} =      The name of the fastest player
    ${fastestTime} =            The fastesttime for this time trial
    ${fastestTimeCreatedAt} =   When the fastest time was done
    ${currentPlayerName} =      The current player name
    ${currentTime} =            The current time of the player


TZMCTimeTrialConfig.HelpText = {
    VehicleMoving = "You must remain stationary to start the time trial",
    NotInVehicle = "You must be in a vehicle to start this time trial",
    StartTimeTrial = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to start the time trial\n${locationName} - ${parTime}\nFastest Time: ${fastestTime}\nPlayer: ${fastestPlayerName}\nDate: ${fastestTimeCreatedAt}"

TZMCTimeTrialConfig.BannerNotifications = {
    timeTrialStarted = {
        title = "TIME TRIAL STARTED",
        description = ""
    timeTrialFailed = {
        title = "TIME TRIAL FAILED",
        description = "You exited the vehicle"
    timeTrialPassedInPar = {
        title = "TIME TRIAL PASSED",
        description = "You finished with a time of ${currentTime}"
    timeTrialPassedOutsidePar = {
        title = "TIME TRIAL FAILED",
        description = "You didn't finish within the target time; your time was ${currentTime}"


    Webhook URL:    The Discord webhook url you would like to send the message to. These are separted incase you want to send messages in different channels. You can find more information here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks
    enabled:        Enable this notification
    username:       The Discord webhook username
    avatarUrl:      The image URL of the Discord avatar
    showImage:      Show an embed image
    embedColor:     The colour of the embed message
    title:          The embed title
    description:    The embed description

    timeTrialStarted:               When the time trial has started
    timeTrialCompletedInPar:        The time trial was completed within the par time
    timeTrialCompletedOutsidePar:   The time trial was completed however it was outside the par time
    failed:                         The time trial was not completed


    ${locationName} =           The time trial location name
    ${parTime} =                The time trial PAR time
    ${fastestPlayerName} =      The name of the fastest player
    ${fastestTime} =            The fastesttime for this time trial
    ${fastestTimeCreatedAt} =   When the fastest time was done
    ${currentPlayerName} =      The current player name
    ${currentTime} =            The current time of the player


TZMCTimeTrialConfig.DiscordNotification = {
    timeTrialStarted = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Time Trial",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/618758081f8ff7628e6ccc46/3x.webp",
        showImage = "",
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${currentPlayerName} has started a time trial at ${locationName}",
        description = ""
    timeTrialCompletedInPar = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Time Trial",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/618758081f8ff7628e6ccc46/3x.webp",
        showImage = "",
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${currentPlayerName} has completed a time trial",
        description = "Time: ${currentTime}"
    timeTrialCompletedOutsidePar = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Time Trial",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/618758081f8ff7628e6ccc46/3x.webp",
        showImage = "",
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${currentPlayerName} has completed a time trial",
        description = "Time: ${currentTime}"
    failed = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Time Trial",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/618758081f8ff7628e6ccc46/3x.webp",
        showImage = 'https://media.tenor.com/4kv_-VHCwLIAAAAM/rip-bozo-unlive2774.gif',
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${currentPlayerName} failed the time trial",
        description = ""

Last updated