TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig = {}
This resource requires 'memorygame'. You can install this by following this link:
Police/ItemManager File
Feel free to edit these files to accommodate your server setup for police dispatch and inventory management.
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.DefaultBlackoutState = false -- When this script loads, what is the state of the blackout
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.BlackoutDuration = 900 -- How many seconds does a blackout last for
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.TimerDuration = 30 -- How many seconds do you need to complete all regions
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.FailedCooldownDuration = 900 -- If failed, how many seconds before attempting again
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.SuccessWait = 5 -- When successful, how many seconds to wait before blackout.
** Half/Half - **
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
leftSide = {
topLeft = { x = -4000, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 0, y = -4000 }
rightSide = {
topLeft = { x = 0, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 4000, y = -4000 }
** Quarters - **
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
topLeft = {
topLeft = { x = -4000, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 0, y = 0 }
topRight = {
topLeft = { x = 0, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 4000, y = 0 }
bottomLeft = {
topLeft = { x = -4000, y = 0 },
bottomRight = { x = 0, y = -4000 }
bottomRight = {
topLeft = { x = 0, y = 0 },
bottomRight = { x = 4000, y = -4000 }
** Docks Terminal/LSIA Airport/Casino - **
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
docks = {
topLeft = { x = 675, y = -2893 },
bottomRight = { x = 1315, y = -3377 }
lsia = {
topLeft = { x = -2000, y = -2000 },
bottomRight = { x = -700, y = -3625 }
casino = {
topLeft = { x = 800, y = 300 },
bottomRight = { x = 1288, y = -108 }
** All Airports - **
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
lsia = {
topLeft = { x = -2000, y = -2000 },
bottomRight = { x = -700, y = -3625 }
sandyShores = {
topLeft = { x = 1000, y = 3375 },
bottomRight = { x = 1854, y = 2965 }
mckenzies = {
topLeft = { x = 1893, y = 4880 },
bottomRight = { x = 2176, y = 4686 }
fortZancudo = {
topLeft = { x = -2914, y = 3513 },
bottomRight = { x = -1518, y = 2712 }
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
leftSide = {
topLeft = { x = -4000, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 0, y = -4000 }
rightSide = {
topLeft = { x = 0, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 4000, y = -4000 }
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.CorrectCubesRequired = 10 -- How many cubes that need to be correct before passing
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.IncorrectCubesRequired = 3 -- How many cubes that need to be incorrect before failing
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.PatternPreviewTime = 3 -- How many seconds a player can see the complete patern to memorise it
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.PatternCompleteTime = 10 -- How many seconds a player has to complete the minigame
-- ITEM --
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.itemsRequired = {
["ITEM_NAME"] = 1,
-- TARGET --
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.UsingOXTarget = false -- If this is set to false, this will use a proximity notification to interact with the electrical box. Example:
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.TargetText = 'Tamper'
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.LabelText = 'Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to interact'-- This is the label that is used when OXTarget is disabled
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.ElectricalBoxModels = {
-- ALLOWED INTERACTION TIMES (24-hour format) --
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.AllowedInteractionBlocking = true -- Enable or disable the time checking
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.AllowedInteractionStartTime = "22:30" -- 22:30
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.AllowedInteractionEndTime = "06:00" -- 06:00
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.UseESXNotify = true
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.NotificationEvent = "" -- If you're using your own notification system, enter the event here. If you leave this blank and set QBNotify to false this will use the FiveM chat to notify the player. The parameters are (text, status) Status can be either 'success' or 'error'.
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.SuccessTitle = 'Success'
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.ErrorTitle = 'Error'
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.NoItems = "Seems that you're missing something."
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.HackFailedText = 'You failed.'
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.CityPowerCompany = 'LS Water & Power'
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.CityPowerOutageText = "City power is currently out, we're working on restoring it!"
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.CityPowerRestoredText = "City power has been restored. Apologies for the inconvenience."
Last updated