
TZMCFuelTheftConfig = {}



    1.  Navigate to .../[qb]/qb-core/shared/items.lua
    2.  Scroll to the bottom of the item list and paste the following text:

        refillable_petrolcan        = { name = 'refillable_petrolcan', label = 'Reusable Petrol Can', weight = 1000, type = 'item', image = 'weapon_petrolcan.png', unique = true, useable = false, description = 'A reusable petrol can which can be filled up multiple times.' },
        hose                        = { name = 'hose', label = 'Hose', weight = 1000, type = 'item', image = 'hose.png', unique = true, useable = false, description = 'A hose which is used to transfer liquids.' },

    3.  Once added, navigate to .../[qb]/qb-inventory/html/images/ and add your image in. (You can reuse the petrol can image that QBCore provides) You can use the example below:


    4.  You are now done.


    Feel free to edit the notifications file to accommodate your servers requirements.


-- Required items for stealing and depositing fuel
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.RequiredItems = {
    stealFuel = {
    depositFuel = {

-- MiniGame settings: enabled and difficulty level
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.MiniGame = {
    enabled = true,               -- Set to true to enable the minigame for fuel theft, false to disable
    difficulty = 'medium'         -- Difficulty levels could be 'easy', 'medium', or 'hard'

-- Blacklisted vehicles where fuel theft is disabled
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.BlackListedVehicles = {
    'police',                     -- Add vehicle models here to prevent them from being targeted for fuel theft

-- Police response settings
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.Police = {
    enabled = false,              -- If true, police might be called during fuel theft based on probability
    probability = 75              -- The chance (0-100) of police being called when fuel is being stolen

-- Explosion settings for different scenarios
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.Explosion = {
    minigameFail = {
        enabled = true,           -- Set to true to enable the explosion when minigame fails
        explosionProbability = 75 -- The chance (0-100) of explosion when the minigame fails
    vehicleEngineOn = {
        enabled = true,           -- Set to true to enable the explosion when the vehicle engine is on
        explosionProbability = 50 -- The chance (0-100) of explosion when the vehicle engine is on

-- Vehicle alarm settings during fuel theft
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.VehicleAlarm = {
    enabled = true,               -- Set to true to enable vehicle alarms when fuel theft is attempted
    probability = 100             -- The chance (0-100) of the vehicle alarm going off during fuel theft

-- Progress bar settings for stealing and depositing fuel
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.ProgressBar = {
    stealingFuel = {
        label = "Stealing Fuel",
        time = 0.5                -- Time in seconds multiplied by the percentage of fuel in the tank (e.g., 50% fuel * 0.5 = 25 seconds)
    depositingFuel = {
        label = "Depositing Fuel",
        time = 0.5                -- Time in seconds multiplied by the percentage of fuel being deposited

-- NPC settings for purchasing tools
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.PurchaseToolsNPC = {
    model = 's_m_m_autoshop_02',  -- NPC model for the tool shop
    x = -350.58,
    y = -45.88,
    z = 54.42,
    h = 344.64                    -- NPC coordinates and heading

-- Target settings for interacting with NPCs and vehicles
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.Target = {
    purchaseToolsNPC = {
        icon = "fa-solid fa-basket-shopping",
        text = "Shop"             -- Text for the NPC interaction when buying tools
    stealFuel = {
        icon = 'fas fa-wrench',
        label = 'Steal Fuel'      -- Text for the interaction when stealing fuel
    depositFuel = {
        icon = 'fas fa-wrench',
        label = 'Deposit Fuel'    -- Text for the interaction when depositing fuel

-- Menu settings for purchasing tools
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.Menu = {
    type = 'cash',                -- Currency type (e.g., cash)
    currency = '$',               -- Currency symbol
    items = {
        hose = {
            prettyName = "Hose",
            price = 500           -- Price for the hose
        refillable_petrolcan = {
            prettyName = "Empty Petrol Can",
            price = 1000          -- Price for the empty petrol can

-- Text messages for various scenarios
TZMCFuelTheftConfig.Text = {
    unableToTransfer = "No fuel can be transferred", -- Message when there is no fuel to transfer, e.g., empty tank or full petrol can
    noMoney = "You can't afford this item"           -- Message when the player cannot afford the item

Last updated