TZMCITJobConfig = {}
TZMCITJobConfig.MaxJobLocations = 3
TZMCITJobConfig.StopJobCommand = 'stopitjob'
TZMCITJobConfig.StopJobHelpText = "Stop the IT Job you're on"
-- MARKER --
TZMCITJobConfig.JobMarker = { -- Color of the job marker
Red = 255,
Green = 153,
Blue = 0,
-- NPC --
TZMCITJobConfig.StartJobNPC = {
model = 'cs_lifeinvad_01',
x = -1051.79,
y = -232.19,
z = 44.02,
h = 119.41,
TZMCITJobConfig.MinimumPayment = 250
TZMCITJobConfig.MaximumPayment = 750
TZMCITJobConfig.CompletedPaymentAmount = 1000 -- This is bonus given to the player for completing all jobs
TZMCITJobConfig.QuitCooldownTime = 900 -- When a player quits, they will need to wait this long to do another job. This prevents players from trying to get an easy job run by quitting and trying again every time.
TZMCITJobConfig.PaymentType = 'bank'
TZMCITJobConfig.UseQBNotify = true
TZMCITJobConfig.NotificationEvent = "" -- If you're using your own notification system, enter the event here. If you leave this blank and set QBNotify to false this will use the FiveM chat to notify the player. The parameters are (text, status) Status can be either 'success' or 'error'.
TZMCITJobConfig.SuccessTitle = 'Success'
TZMCITJobConfig.ErrorTitle = 'Error'
TZMCITJobConfig.JobStarted = "Job started - Head to the first location"
TZMCITJobConfig.NotInJob = "You're not in a job"
TZMCITJobConfig.StopJob = "You have stopped your job."
TZMCITJobConfig.NextJob = 'Head to the next job'
TZMCITJobConfig.CurrentPoint = "Job point"
TZMCITJobConfig.FullJobCompleted = "All jobs completed! You have earned a bonus of $"..TZMCITJobConfig.CompletedPaymentAmount..' for completing all jobs'
TZMCITJobConfig.AlreadyInJob = "You're in a job already"
TZMCITJobConfig.RecentlyQuitJob = "You recently quit a job"
TZMCITJobConfig.FixComputer = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to fix.'
TZMCITJobConfig.ApplyingUpdate = "Applying Update..."
TZMCITJobConfig.UpdateFailed = "UPDATE FAILED!"
TZMCITJobConfig.GameWords = { -- You can make these any 8 character words.
TZMCITJobConfig.JobLocations = {
vector3(-1422.43, -205.8, 46.5),
vector3(2634.29, 2932.25, 44.74),
vector3(-1861.96, 79.72, 79.88),
vector3(-1856.13, 86.61, 79.74),
vector3(878.38, 535.89, 125.76),
vector3(2660.05, 1641.63, 24.87),
vector3(791.24, -3167.55, 6.21),
vector3(809.68, -3147.43, 6.19),
vector3(580.45, -2285.87, 6.39),
vector3(-1131.36, -2704.91, 14.24),
vector3(-964.16, -2798.63, 14.24),
vector3(1901.89, 2605.68, 45.97),
vector3(-1278.12, -1411.71, 4.33),
vector3(1208.43, -3114.93, 5.55),
vector3(2351.66, 2612.2, 46.67),
vector3(484.14, -3110.71, 6.33)
Last updated