Region Examples
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Below are some examples on regions you can use, of course you can create your own regions within the config file.
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
leftSide = {
topLeft = { x = -4000, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 0, y = -4000 }
rightSide = {
topLeft = { x = 0, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 4000, y = -4000 }
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
topLeft = {
topLeft = { x = -4000, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 0, y = 0 }
topRight = {
topLeft = { x = 0, y = 8000 },
bottomRight = { x = 4000, y = 0 }
bottomLeft = {
topLeft = { x = -4000, y = 0 },
bottomRight = { x = 0, y = -4000 }
bottomRight = {
topLeft = { x = 0, y = 0 },
bottomRight = { x = 4000, y = -4000 }
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
docks = {
topLeft = { x = 675, y = -2893 },
bottomRight = { x = 1315, y = -3377 }
lsia = {
topLeft = { x = -2000, y = -2000 },
bottomRight = { x = -700, y = -3625 }
casino = {
topLeft = { x = 800, y = 300 },
bottomRight = { x = 1288, y = -108 }
TZMCBlackoutAdvancedConfig.Regions = {
lsia = {
topLeft = { x = -2000, y = -2000 },
bottomRight = { x = -700, y = -3625 }
sandyShores = {
topLeft = { x = 1000, y = 3375 },
bottomRight = { x = 1854, y = 2965 }
mckenzies = {
topLeft = { x = 1893, y = 4880 },
bottomRight = { x = 2176, y = 4686 }
fortZancudo = {
topLeft = { x = -2914, y = 3513 },
bottomRight = { x = -1518, y = 2712 }