TZMCContainersConfig = {}
The notifications file unlocked, feel free to edit these to your servers requirements.
TZMCContainersConfig.OwnerCanOnlyDelete = true -- If this is set to true, only the owner of the container can delete it.
TZMCContainersConfig.Shop = {
model = 's_m_m_ups_01',
coords = vector4(838.06, -2949.02, 5.89, 313.49),
moneyType = 'cash',
currency = '$',
items = {
containers = {
small = {
name = 'Small Container',
image = '',
cost = 10000,
disabled = false,
details = {
model = 'prop_container_ld_pu',
weight = 5000,
slots = 25
offsets = {
flatbed = {
boneIndex = 'chassis',
isTrailer = false,
xPos = 0.0,
yPos = -2.35,
zPos = 0.40,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0
trflat = {
boneIndex = 'chassis',
isTrailer = true,
xPos = 0.0,
yPos = 0.0,
zPos = 0.40,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0
medium = {
name = 'Medium Container',
image = '',
cost = 25000,
disabled = false,
details = {
model = 'prop_container_03b',
weight = 25000,
slots = 50
offsets = {
flatbed = {
boneIndex = 'chassis',
isTrailer = false,
xPos = 0.0,
yPos = -2.70,
zPos = 0.40,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0
trflat = {
boneIndex = 'chassis',
isTrailer = true,
xPos = 0.0,
yPos = 0.0,
zPos = 0.40,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0
large = {
name = 'Large Container',
image = '',
cost = 50000,
disabled = false,
details = {
model = 'prop_container_01h',
weight = 50000,
slots = 100
offsets = {
trflat = {
boneIndex = 'chassis',
isTrailer = true,
xPos = 0.0,
yPos = -0.12,
zPos = 0.40,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0
vehicle = {
flatbed = {
name = 'Flatbed Truck',
image = '',
cost = 5000,
disabled = false
hauler = {
name = 'Hauler',
image = '',
cost = 5000,
disabled = false
trflat = {
name = 'Flat Trailer',
image = '',
cost = 2500,
disabled = false
Database (DB)
enabled: Log this to db,
typeId: What type of log is this, for example 'created' or 'moved'.
description: Description of the log
Webhook URL: The Discord webhook url you would like to send the message to. These are separted incase you want to send messages in different channels. You can find more information here:
enabled: Enable this notification
username: The Discord webhook username
avatarUrl: The image URL of the Discord avatar
showImage: Show an embed image
embedColor: The colour of the embed message
title: The embed title
description: The embed description
Event Types
created: When a player creates a container
moved: When a player moves a container
attatched: When a player attatches a container to an entity like a trailer or flatbed
detatched: When a player detatches a container from an entity
opened: When a player opens a container
deleted: When a player deletes a container
Player Name: ${playerName}
Character First Name: ${characterFirstName}
Character Last Name: ${characterLastName}
Character Citizen ID: ${characterCitizenID}
Coordinates: ${coord}
TZMCContainersConfig.Logs = {
created = {
db = {
enabled = true,
typeId = 'created',
description = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} created a container'
discord = {
enabled = true,
webhookUrl = '',
username = 'Containers',
avatarUrl = '',
showImage = '',
embedColor = 0xff8a00,
title = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} created a container',
description = ''
moved = {
db = {
enabled = true,
typeId = 'moved',
description = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} moved a container to ${coord}'
discord = {
enabled = true,
webhookUrl = '',
username = 'Containers',
avatarUrl = '',
showImage = '',
embedColor = 0xff8a00,
title = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} moved a container to ${coord}',
description = ''
attatched = {
db = {
enabled = true,
typeId = 'attatched',
description = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} attatched a container'
discord = {
enabled = true,
webhookUrl = '',
username = 'Containers',
avatarUrl = '',
showImage = '',
embedColor = 0xff8a00,
title = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} attatched a container',
description = ''
detatched = {
db = {
enabled = true,
typeId = 'detatched',
description = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} detatched a container at ${coord}'
discord = {
enabled = true,
webhookUrl = '',
username = 'Containers',
avatarUrl = '',
showImage = '',
embedColor = 0xff8a00,
title = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} detatched a container at ${coord}',
description = ''
opened = {
db = {
enabled = true,
typeId = 'opened',
description = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} opened a container'
discord = {
enabled = true,
webhookUrl = '',
username = 'Containers',
avatarUrl = '',
showImage = '',
embedColor = 0xff8a00,
title = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} opened a container',
description = ''
deleted = {
db = {
enabled = true,
typeId = 'deleted',
description = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} deleted a container'
discord = {
enabled = true,
webhookUrl = '',
username = 'Containers',
avatarUrl = '',
showImage = '',
embedColor = 0xff8a00,
title = '${characterFirstName} ${characterLastName} deleted a container',
description = ''
TZMCContainersConfig.Spawns = {
containers = {
vector4(839.25, -2907.39, 5.99, 358.89),
vector4(849.55, -2906.52, 5.99, 1.3),
vector4(859.63, -2906.27, 5.99, 0.2)
vehicles = {
vector4(855.7, -2943.4, 5.99, 269.27),
vector4(857.47, -2926.92, 5.99, 269.46),
vector4(856.78, -2917.55, 5.99, 271.16)
TZMCContainersConfig.Target = {
shop = {
icon = 'fa-solid fa-cart-flatbed',
text = 'Shop'
moveContainer = {
icon = 'fas fa-arrows-alt',
text = 'Move Container'
openContainer = {
icon = 'fas fa-box',
text = 'Open Container'
deleteContainer = {
icon = 'fas fa-trash',
text = 'Delete Container'
attatchContainer = {
icon = 'fas fa-truck-ramp-box',
text = 'Attach'
detachContainer = {
icon = 'fas fa-truck-ramp-box',
text = 'Detach'
TZMCContainersConfig.Text = {
incorrectPassword = 'The password you enterted was incorrect',
notEnoughCash = "You don't have enough money to buy this",
containerDeleted = 'Container deleted successfully!',
notOwner = "You're not the owner of this container",
shop = {
containers = {
title = 'Containers',
subtitle = 'Purchase Container Storage'
vehicle = {
title = 'Vehicle',
subtitle = 'Rent a Vehicle'
goBack = '< Go Back'
password = {
title = 'Container Password',
submitText = 'Submit',
placeholderText = 'NotPassword123'
Last updated