
TZMCCollectablesConfig = {}


    id.lua, reward.lua & start.lua are all unlocked files to suit your servers requirments.
    The purpose of these are below: 


    This section allows you to customize how the player's ID is determined. 
    This is particularly important when players can have multiple characters, as in frameworks like ESX and QBCore.
    Instead of using the general playerID, which is the same across all characters a player controls, 
    you may need to use a character-specific ID to correctly track progress for each individual character.


    When a player collects or destroys an item, an event is triggered. This event passes the following parameters:

    collectionType: The type of item the player collected, such as playingCards or actionFigure.
    rewardType:     Indicates the reward tier. It can either be 'small' (a standard reward, as the player 
                    still has more items to collect) or 'large' (a bonus reward for collecting all items of a 
                    particular collectionType).


    This option is here because if you're using a framework like QBCore 
    or ESX, where you need to get the character ID and not their license ID, 
    as a player might have multiple characters and the progress will be 
    tracked based on each character individually, not just for the entire player. 

    If you need any help to get this setup for your servers requirements, feel free to contact us on hello@tzmc.dev
    and we can help get this setup to your liking. :)


TZMCCollectablesConfig.Collectibles = {
    playingCards = {
        enabled = true, 
        prettyName = "Playing Cards",
        interactText = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to pick up the card",
        banner = {
            title = "PLAYING CARD COLLECTED",
            subtitle = "%s playing cards collected" -- %s represents 1/50 (CurrentCount/TotalCount)
    signalJammers = { -- Signal Jammers don't have interact text due to needing to destroy and not interact 
        enabled = true,
        prettyName = "Signal Jammers",
        banner = {
            title = "SIGNAL JAMMER DESTROYED",
            subtitle = "%s signal jammers destroyed" -- %s represents 1/50 (CurrentCount/TotalCount)
    actionFigures = {
        enabled = true,
        prettyName = "Action Figures",
        interactText = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to collect the action figure",
        banner = {
            title = "ACTION FIGURE COLLECTED",
            subtitle = "%s action figures collected" -- %s represents 1/50 (CurrentCount/TotalCount)
    LDOrganicsProduct = {
        enabled = true,
        prettyName = "LD Organics Product",
        interactText = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to collect the product",
        banner = {
            title = "LD ORGANICS COLLECTED",
            subtitle = "%s LD Organics collected" -- %s represents 1/50 (CurrentCount/TotalCount)

TZMCCollectablesConfig.Menu = {
    title = "Collectibles",
    subtitle = "Track your collectible progress"

TZMCCollectablesConfig.Command = {
    name = 'collectibles',
    commandHelp = 'Check your collectible progress'

Last updated