TZMCGunVanConfig = {}
TZMCGunVanConfig.Locations = {
vector4(2663.4, 1468.87, 24.24, 87.95), -- Palmer-Taylor Power Station
vector4(-2166.2, 4289.27, 48.73, 2.99), -- Hookies North Chumash
vector4(1904.89, 565.21, 175.56, 64.14), -- Land Act Reservoir
vector4(2340.29, 3049.8, 47.89, 126.14), -- Thomson Scrapyard
vector4(1099.72, -332.29, 66.95, 303.87), -- Hearty Taco Mirror Park
vector4(779.12, -3264.46, 5.7, 359.72), -- Terminal (southwest corner)
vector4(795.66, 1209.76, 338.97, 149.13), -- Vinewood Sign
vector4(-29.69, 6435.22, 31.16, 225.96), -- No Marks Cleaners Paleto Bay
vector4(-784.54, 5401.67, 33.94, 276.07), -- Paleto Forest Lumber Yard Paleto Forest
vector4(1795.78, 3896.59, 33.86, 19.38), -- Merle Abrahams' house
vector4(-1331.36, -1163.77, 4.31, 90.62), -- Magellan Avenue Vespucci Beach
vector4(1502.98, -2146.84, 76.78, 93.68), -- Car Scrapyard El Burro Heights
vector4(1137.16, -1358.75, 34.32, 90.58), -- LT Weld Supply Co.
vector4(-57.09, -2659.31, 5.74, 180.31), -- Walker Ocean Store Port of Los Santos
vector4(-477.89, -741.33, 30.3, 88.75), -- Caesars Auto Parking Little Seoul
vector4(1334.48, 2759.59, 51.07, 356.52), -- Dirt road overlooking Larry's RV Sales
vector4(1466.05, 6554.09, 13.76, 301.7), -- Public toilets west of Procopio Truck Stop
vector4(974.26, -1718.6, 30.29, 264.62), -- Fridgit, Forced Labor Place La Mesa
vector4(275.28, 66.31, 94.11, 160.66), -- Parking garage south of Oriental Theater Downtown Vinewood
vector4(-3192.8, 1076.83, 20.6, 155.1), -- Behind Ink Inc. Tattoos, Chumash Plaza
vector4(-587.58, -1637.41, 19.61, 60.15), -- Rogers Salvage & Scrap La Puerta
vector4(-1454.57, 2668.4, 3.25, 140.45), -- Under the Fort Zancudo Approach Road bridge Fort Zancudo
vector4(-20.95, 3046.52, 40.75, 77.09), -- Next to Ortega's Trailer Zancudo River
In GTA:O, the color that R* set was Shadow Silver however I think
this looks better in all black but if you want to change it you
can. :)
You can have a look at the full color set here:
The plate is also from GTA:0 however you can change that also.
TZMCGunVanConfig.Vehicle = {
color = {
primary = 7,
secondary = 0
plate = "31EVL500",
festive = false, -- This adds some christmas spirit inside the van like christmas lights and cookies
halloween = true -- This adds some halloween props inside the van like a pumpkin, shovel, coffin and replaces the current NPC to a zombie
Below you can send the event to any resouce you would like, for example your own blackmarket
resource or inventory.
The example here is just opening the shop within QBCore Inventory, the event handler can be
seen within the shop.lua file.
TZMCGunVanConfig.Event = {
type = 'server', -- Event type (Server or Client)
event = 'tzmcgunvan:shop', -- The event ID
args = { -- Any arguments this event requires
'Gun Van',
{ name = 'security_card_01', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'security_card_02', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'advanced_lockpick', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'electronickit', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'gatecrack', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'thermite', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'trojan_usb', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'drill', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'radioscanner', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'cryptostick', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'joint', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'cokebaggy', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'crack_baggy', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'xtcbaggy', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'coke_brick', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'weed_brick', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'coke_small_brick', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'oxy', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'meth', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'weed_whitewidow', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'weed_skunk', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'weed_purplehaze', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'weed_ogkush', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'weed_amnesia', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'weed_ak47', price = 5000, amount = 50 },
{ name = 'markedbills', price = 5000, amount = 50, info = { worth = 5000 } },
TZMCGunVanConfig.InteractText = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to purchase weapons from the Gun Van"
TZMCGunVanConfig.DebugMode = false
Last updated