TZMCLootBoxesConfig = {}
This resource requires 'memorygame'. You can install this by following this link:
To add new locations, add the vector4 coordinates below and this will choose a new drop location at random.
vector4(1718.18, 3254.4, 40.34, 288.55) -- Preview Example
TZMCLootBoxesConfig.DropLocations = {
vector4(2951.57, 3134.84, 170.98, 83.15),
vector4(2973.32, 3903.63, 55.27, 359.28),
vector4(2876.3, 4653.13, 48.49, 127.06),
vector4(2946.06, 5321.02, 101.15, 108.01),
vector4(1639.16, 5198.48, 169.38, 221.47),
vector4(2044.28, 4943.51, 41.08, 198.5),
vector4(1060.18, 4258.03, 37.72, 30.52),
vector4(443.86, 5567.28, 794.33, 341.71),
vector4(1273.36, 6572.7, 2.59, 25.97),
vector4(239.52, 7414.32, 17.38, 298.76),
vector4(-974.54, 6226.33, 3.48, 218.53),
vector4(-2246.88, 3835.73, 122.87, 147.98),
vector4(-2753.44, 2783.86, 2.26, 351.36),
vector4(-2138.02, 2557.92, 2.84, 24.57),
vector4(-2968.73, 2151.04, 41.38, 170.97),
vector4(-2900.12, 1409.59, 75.96, 155.13),
vector4(-3247.19, 1225.66, 2.55, 266.58),
vector4(-2505.68, 704.45, 274.8, 172.71),
vector4(-1765.34, 613.62, 180.53, 198.93),
vector4(-1260.11, 1135.58, 280.86, 320.35),
vector4(-446.63, 1525.76, 387.79, 200.35),
vector4(691.92, 1189.63, 321.82, 200.39),
vector4(1637.43, 269.69, 249.16, 195.19),
vector4(1138.0, 116.47, 80.85, 272.95),
vector4(1246.01, -900.88, 71.31, 140.67),
vector4(1359.45, -1447.24, 60.91, 159.41),
vector4(1373.53, -2717.98, 2.75, 117.65),
vector4(934.82, -3183.68, 5.9, 85.07),
vector4(-529.41, -2812.58, 6.0, 260.19),
vector4(-892.06, -3042.08, 13.94, 101.73),
vector4(-1533.3, -2314.71, 7.14, 327.43)
Drop Smoothness
This setting allows you to control how smoothly the
drop animation occurs for clients. A smoother drop
will require more CPU resources, while a less smooth
drop will be less CPU intensive but may result in a
more "jumpy" animation, as the position updates less
Low: 0.01ms Resmon Usage
Medium: 0.03ms Resmon Usage
High: 0.7ms Resmon Usage
Best: 0.14ms Resmon Usage
TZMCLootBoxesConfig.DropSmoothness = "High"
TZMCLootBoxesConfig.Timing = {
startTiming = 900, -- When first starting this script, how many seconds do we wait till the first drop appears
recurringTiming = 900, -- When the last box was completed, how many seconds till the next box drops
hackTiming = 60 -- How many seconds do players need to wait before the box becomes ready to be unlocked
TZMCLootBoxesConfig.Minigame = { -- This requires 'memorygame'. You can install this by following this link:
enabled = true,
correctCubesRequired = 10, -- How many cubes that need to be correct before passing
incorrectCubesRequired = 3, -- How many cubes that need to be incorrect before failing
patternPreviewTime = 3, -- How many seconds a player can see the complete patern to memorise it
patternCompleteTime = 10 -- How many seconds a player has to complete the minigame
TZMCLootBoxesConfig.Target = {
hack = {
label = "Hack",
icon = "fa-solid fa-user-secret"
unlock = {
label = "Unlock",
icon = "fa-solid fa-vault"
probability = 100, -- The chance of receiving this item (percentage, 1-100)
max = 20, -- The maximum amount of this item that can be received (e.g., 1 weapon, but up to 20 ammo)
info = { -- Any additional data for this item. Some items may require specific information, such as 'worth' for marked bills.
worth = 1000 -- Example: 'worth' is a required field for 'markedbills'. Add any necessary data for the item here.
TZMCLootBoxesConfig.LootBoxReward = {
reward = {
weapon_pistol = { probability = 75, max = 1 },
weapon_microsmg = { probability = 50, max = 1 },
weapon_pumpshotgun = { probability = 25, max = 1 },
weapon_assaultrifle = { probability = 25, max = 1 },
weapon_mg = { probability = 25, max = 1 },
weapon_sniperrifle = { probability = 25, max = 1 },
-- AMMO --
pistol_ammo = { probability = 100, max = 10 },
rifle_ammo = { probability = 50, max = 10 },
smg_ammo = { probability = 75, max = 10 },
shotgun_ammo = { probability = 75, max = 10 },
mg_ammo = { probability = 50, max = 10 },
snp_ammo = { probability = 50, max = 10 },
-- DRUGS --
joint = { probability = 10, max = 5 },
cokebaggy = { probability = 5, max = 3 },
crack_baggy = { probability = 5, max = 3 },
xtcbaggy = { probability = 5, max = 3 },
coke_brick = { probability = 1, max = 1 },
weed_brick = { probability = 5, max = 1 },
coke_small_brick = { probability = 3, max = 2 },
oxy = { probability = 5, max = 3 },
meth = { probability = 5, max = 3 },
-- MISC --
markedbills = { probability = 100, max = 20, info = { worth = 1000 } }
money = {
type = 'cash',
min= 1000,
max = 5000
Last updated