TZMCParcelTheft = {}
1. Navigate to .../[qb]/qb-core/shared/items.lua
2. Scroll to the bottom of the item list and paste the following text:
stolen_parcel = { name = 'stolen_parcel', label = 'Stolen Parcel', weight = 15000, type = 'item', image = 'parcelBox.png', unique = true, useable = false, description = 'A reusable petrol can which can be filled up multiple times.' },
3. Once added, navigate to .../[qb]/qb-inventory/html/images/ and add your image in. You can use the example below:
4. You are now done.
Feel free to edit the police.lua file to accommodate your servers requirements.
TZMCParcelTheft.Locations = {
vector4(1388.56, -569.61, 74.5, 112.58),
vector4(1385.79, -593.04, 74.49, 50.77),
vector4(1367.35, -606.06, 74.71, 2.33),
vector4(1341.99, -597.63, 74.7, 51.6),
vector4(1372.7, -555.6, 74.69, 242.29)
-- Add More Vector4 Locations Here
TZMCParcelTheft.General = {
maxConcurrentBoxes = 2, -- How many active boxes are out there
respawnDelay = 10 -- How many seconds till the next box respawns
TZMCParcelTheft.Inventory = { -- If all are false, this will default to qb-inventory
usingPsInventory = false, -- If using ps-inventory, set this to true and events will be sent for this resource.
usingOxInventory = false -- If using ox_inventory, set this to true and events will be sent for this resource.
-- Police response settings
TZMCParcelTheft.Police = {
enabled = false, -- If true, police might be called during a parcel theft based on the probability
probability = 75 -- The chance (0-100) of police being called when a parcel is being stolen
TZMCParcelTheft.ProgressBar = {
duration = 5, -- How many seconds does the progress bar last for
label = 'Opening Box'
TZMCParcelTheft.Target = {
label = 'Steal',
icon = 'fas fa-box'
prob = 100, -- The chance of receiving this item (percentage, 1-100)
max = 20, -- The maximum amount of this item that can be received
info = { -- Any additional data for this item. Some items may require specific information, such as 'worth' for marked bills.
worth = 1000 -- Example: 'worth' is a required field for 'markedbills'. Add any necessary data for the item here.
TZMCParcelTheft.Reward = {
lockpick = { prob = 5, max = 3 },
advancedlockpick = { prob = 2, max = 2 },
plastic = { prob = 12, max = 10 },
metalscrap = { prob = 12, max = 8 },
copper = { prob = 10, max = 5 },
aluminum = { prob = 10, max = 5 },
aluminumoxide = { prob = 7, max = 4 },
iron = { prob = 8, max = 6 },
ironoxide = { prob = 7, max = 4 },
steel = { prob = 5, max = 3 },
rubber = { prob = 12, max = 10 },
glass = { prob = 10, max = 7 },
water_bottle = { prob = 17, max = 5 },
coffee = { prob = 15, max = 4 },
kurkakola = { prob = 15, max = 4 },
beer = { prob = 12, max = 3 },
whiskey = { prob = 7, max = 2 },
vodka = { prob = 7, max = 2 },
grape = { prob = 12, max = 6 },
wine = { prob = 6, max = 2 },
grapejuice = { prob = 10, max = 4 },
tosti = { prob = 10, max = 3 },
twerks_candy = { prob = 15, max = 5 },
snikkel_candy = { prob = 15, max = 5 },
sandwich = { prob = 12, max = 3 },
rolex = { prob = 5, max = 2 },
diamond_ring = { prob = 5, max = 2 },
diamond = { prob = 3, max = 1 },
goldchain = { prob = 5, max = 2 },
tenkgoldchain = { prob = 2, max = 1 },
goldbar = { prob = 1, max = 1 },
-- DRUGS --
joint = { prob = 10, max = 5 },
cokebaggy = { prob = 5, max = 3 },
crack_baggy = { prob = 5, max = 3 },
xtcbaggy = { prob = 5, max = 3 },
coke_brick = { prob = 1, max = 1 },
weed_brick = { prob = 5, max = 1 },
coke_small_brick = { prob = 3, max = 2 },
oxy = { prob = 5, max = 3 },
meth = { prob = 5, max = 3 },
-- MISC --
markedbills = { prob = 100, max = 20, info = { worth = 1000 } }
Last updated