Last updated
Last updated
TZMCBlackoutConfig = {}
This resource requires 'memorygame'. You can install this by following this link:
-- TARGET --
TZMCBlackoutConfig.TargetText = 'Tamper'
TZMCBlackoutConfig.CooldownPeriod = 30 -- How many seconds does a player have between each attempt failed
TZMCBlackoutConfig.BlackoutDuration = 900 -- How many seconds does a blackout last for
TZMCBlackoutConfig.RunAwayTime = 10 -- How many seconds does the player have to run away after completing the hack before the explosions occur in the electricity boxes
TZMCBlackoutConfig.CorrectCubesRequired = 10 -- How many cubes that need to be correct before passing
TZMCBlackoutConfig.IncorrectCubesRequired = 3 -- How many cubes that need to be incorrect before failing
TZMCBlackoutConfig.PatternPreviewTime = 3 -- How many seconds a player can see the complete patern to memorise it
TZMCBlackoutConfig.PatternCompleteTime = 10 -- How many seconds a player has to complete the minigame
-- ITEM --
TZMCBlackoutConfig.ItemRequired = 'thermite'
TZMCBlackoutConfig.UseQBNotify = true
TZMCBlackoutConfig.NotificationEvent = "" -- If you're using your own notification system, enter the event here. If you leave this blank and set QBNotify to false this will use the FiveM chat to notify the player. The parameters are (text, status) Status can be either 'success' or 'error'.
TZMCBlackoutConfig.SuccessTitle = 'Success'
TZMCBlackoutConfig.ErrorTitle = 'Error'
TZMCBlackoutConfig.HackFailedText = 'You failed.'
TZMCBlackoutConfig.MissingItemText = "Seems that you've forgotten something."
TZMCBlackoutConfig.RecentlyAttemptedText = "Someone's already attempted this."
TZMCBlackoutConfig.BlackoutActiveText = "The city has already lost power."
TZMCBlackoutConfig.BlackoutRunText = 'You have '..TZMCBlackoutConfig.RunAwayTime..' seconds till detonation.'
TZMCBlackoutConfig.CityPowerCompany = 'LS Water & Power'
TZMCBlackoutConfig.CityPowerOutageText = "City power is currently out, we're working on restoring it!"
TZMCBlackoutConfig.CityPowerRestoredText = "City power has been restored. Apologies for the inconvenience."