
TZMCCryptoHeist = {}



    Police/Reward/Item Check

    The police, reward & item check file are unlocked, feel free to edit these to your servers requirements.

TZMCCryptoHeist.Game = {
    heistTime = 600,                    -- How many seconds is the heist active for
    miningRate = math.random(10, 50),   -- This is the earning of each server actively mining per second, in this example we've said a random number between 10 & 50 per second.
    cooldownTime = 1800,                -- How many seconds till the heist is available to start again.
    hackMiniGame = {
        time = 15,                      -- The minimum is 7 and max is 30
        dots = 6                        -- The minimum dots is 6 and max is 10 -- If you would like to make it more random, you can do a math.random(6, 10) which will select a random number between 6 and 10 and the amount of dots will be shown for that

TZMCCryptoHeist.Target = {
    usingQBTarget = true,               -- If this is set to false, this will default to ox_target
    ExitIAAOffice = {
        icon = "fa-solid fa-user-secret",
        text = "Exit"
    EnterDataCentre = {
        icon = "fa-solid fa-user-secret",
        text = "Enter"
    ExitDataCentre = {
        icon = "fa-solid fa-user-secret",
        text = "Exit"
    StartHack = {
        icon = "fa-solid fa-laptop-code",
        text = "Start Hack"
    StartHeist = {
        icon = "fa-solid fa-laptop-code",
        text = "Start"
    ServerStatus = {
        icon = "fa-solid fa-server",
        text = "Server Status"
    CollectReward = {
        icon = "fa-brands fa-btc",
        text = "Collect"

TZMCCryptoHeist.Police = {
    enterDataCentre = {
        probability = 70,
        title = "Suspicious Activity",
        description = "Someone has enterted the IAA server room"
    heistStarted = {
        probability = 100,
        title = "Breach Detected",
        description = "Someone has breached the IAA data centre"

TZMCCryptoHeist.Text = {
    serverStatus = "Server Status",
    group = "Group",
    viewServersInGroup = "View Servers In Group",
    active = "Active",
    notActive = "Not Active",
    earnings = "Earnings",
    back = "Back",
    menuSubtitleBack = "Go back to main menu",
    breachFailed = "Firewall Breach Failed",
    firewallActive = "Firewall active... Decryption required...",
    breachSuccess = "Firewall Breached",
    heistAlreadyActive = "Heist is already active!",
    heistOnCooldown = "Heist is on cooldown. Please wait.",
    invalidHackAttempt = "Invalid hack attempt!",
    rewardAlreadyCollected = "Reward has already been collected!",
    rewardCollected = "Reward collected! Total earnings: $%d"



    Webhook URL: The Discord webhook url you would like to send the message to. These are separted incase you want to send messages in different channels. You can find more information here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks
    enabled: Enable this notification
    username: The Discord webhook username
    avatarUrl: The image URL of the Discord avatar
    showImage: Show an embed image
    embedColor: The colour of the embed message
    title: The embed title
    description: The embed description


    Player Name: ${playerName}
    Total Amount: ${totalAmount}


TZMCCryptoHeist.DiscordNotification = {
    entertedDataCentre = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Crypto Heist",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/5f5d57496084af6c171a22bf/3x.webp",
        showImage = '',
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${playerName} Enterted The Data Centre",
        description = ""
    exitIAAOffice = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Crypto Heist",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/5f5d57496084af6c171a22bf/3x.webp",
        showImage = '',
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${playerName} Exited The IAA Office",
        description = ""
    exitDataCentre = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Crypto Heist",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/5f5d57496084af6c171a22bf/3x.webp",
        showImage = '',
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${playerName} Exited The Data Centre",
        description = ""
    startedHeist = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Crypto Heist",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/5f5d57496084af6c171a22bf/3x.webp",
        showImage = '',
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "Crypto Heist Started",
        description = ""
    successHack = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Crypto Heist",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/5f5d57496084af6c171a22bf/3x.webp",
        showImage = '',
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${playerName} Completed a Hack",
        description = ""
    failedHack = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Crypto Heist",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/5f5d57496084af6c171a22bf/3x.webp",
        showImage = '',
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "${playerName} Failed a Hack",
        description = ""
    heistEnded = {
        enabled = true,
        webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        username = "Crypto Heist",
        avatarUrl = "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/5f5d57496084af6c171a22bf/3x.webp",
        showImage = '',
        embedColor = 0xff8a00,
        title = "Crypto Heist Ended",
        description = "A total of $${totalAmount} has been taken."

Last updated